2022 Membership Fees

Dear Central Division Members,

The NSP Board of Directors voted Thursday evening, July 8th, to increase national dues for all members by approximately 33%.  You will soon be receiving a message from NSP regarding this increase with additional detail. After reviewing the financials of the organization, I am in support.  To my knowledge, this is one of the first budgets in a long time that has received the level of scrutiny and expert analysis that should be required for an organization with 34,000 plus members.  In short, this increase will alter the trajectory of the NSP and sustain it properly at the high level of service we all expect.
The increase not only helps cover the rising costs of living since the last increase in 2019 but also provides much-needed finances to support the operations of the National office.   Remember, the office develops and manages the infrastructure for all of the programs we enjoy – OEC, OET, MTR…  And it is imperative that the office is staffed appropriately, and is able to maintain a strong infrastructure so that we as Divisions have professional and relevant tools, guidance, educational talking points, refresher materials, an LMS, etc. supporting us so we can deliver high-quality programs to our members.
If you have questions or concerns about this increase, please contact Paul Kelly who is the chair of the NSP Finance Committee and an NSP board member, and has made himself available to answer your questions.  Or, you may contact Rick Boyce, the National Chair.

Thank you for the work you do for the NSP and the service you provide the public.  You are all much appreciated and vital to the success of the National Ski Patrol.

Mike Schons

Director, NSP Central Division
Think Positive – Test Negative”

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