Division Directors Report – Winter 2022

First let me start first by saying congratulations to Steve Paladini and LJ Lavene for stepping
up for a second term as Region Directors. Also stepping up to assist the Central Division,
Mary Dunphy – Division Bike Patrol Supervisor, Daniel Ayers – Division Webmaster,
Dan Dalquist – Alumni and Dave Dahl – Patroller 101. You can find all the Division staff
contact information on the Central Division website.

The National Board meeting by Zoom was an interesting event. There was a lot of discussion
about DEI or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Everyone should have gotten the letter
from the new National Chair Rick Boyce. Below is a letter I sent to all Central Division staff
and region directors;

“ You probably saw this email earlier today from Rick Boyce, the newly elected NSP national
chair. It’s the second step in addressing DEI issues, and the button links to a page
with the text of the policy I sent around earlier this week, along with an option for members
to acknowledge (or decline) that they “ have read and will endorse the NSP DEI policy, mission and vision while
I engage in any NSP endeavors.” The page also includes an opportunity for members to include their name or
NSP#, as well as a box to offer any comments about the policy.

Please be assured (and assure any members who ask) that there is no obligation or expectation for any member
to include their name or to affirm or decline or comment. Any response is entirely optional. As the letter says,
Rick simply requests that members “consider acknowledging that you have read our DEI policy.” And it ensures
every member that “your reply will be kept private, will never become part of your membership record or education
transcript, never published, or be singled out in any way.” It’s an opportunity
for members — if they wish — to provide feedback, whether positive or
negative, about this policy…”

This is a sensitive issue, I understand that, however, it is also bigger than
the NSP and has a lot to do with holding people accountable for their actions
and words. My email and phone is always open to any member who
wishes to discuss their concerns with me instead of or in addition to the directed
input page. Know that many of our industry partners are also driving
this action and are also heading in this direction.

There are still questions as to youth protection training. Many of those are related to the timing of recertification. There are a number of organizations that I accept training from, each have
differing recertification dates. Just know that we are managing that recertification at the Division level based upon
your certification body. They can be anywhere from one year (Safe Sport) to four years for Vitrus and the Civil Air
Patrol and some in between. I will email folks based upon their expiration date from the certification body when
they are due to recertify.

Awards are being written now and sent into the regions and division. Please, lets make this a great season of
awards as folks have worked hard during the past year and during a pandemic and certainly need to be recognized
for their efforts above and beyond our standard duty.

In the Central Division we have been doing a lot of positive things! I happened to stop by for the women’s program
event in Easter Michigan Region and I was very happy to see so many participants. It looked like an amazing event
and showcases Kerstin and her team’s dedication to providing a high-quality event and bringing people together.
I have made several on-hill events, especially senior level training and these also were well run and well participated.
It says a lot about our education programs and the dedication of our instructor base in Central Division.
Thank you to everyone!

Finally, this is a busy time for everyone. Let’s be kind and thoughtful to all of our members and help by reaching out
to everyone and helping each other be the best patrollers we can be, for the betterment of the patrols, the resorts,
the regions and the NSP as an organization. This will keep us as the gold standard in outdoor education!
See you on the slopes, at events or on the bike trails!


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