The Skills Development Team has created a handy SKILLS Card to provide a quick reference to skiing fundamentals, senior scorecard, and toboggan essentials.  This is distributed to ASDW participants as a laminated card.  Click to access a pdf which you can download and print for region/patrol use.  SKILLS Summary Card.

This area is intended for NSP-C Ski/Ride trainers and evaluators to provide a consolidated point of reference to materials and links to other NSP and PSIA site references.  Do you own the PSIA Alpine Technical Manual yet?  If not – why?  The new ATM has a wealth of information on skiing fundamentals and suggested teaching activities.  For more ideas, check out the PSIA-C website.  Areas such as Movement Learning Activities  provide many explanations, teaching, and learning cues, as well as links to YouTube demos for all sorts of tasks to refine the fundamentals of your skiing.  Alpine Certification Pathway is another important area to review PSIA standards and links to other certification resources.  If you are studying for your Level II, under the new exam format, PSIA provides a bank of YouTube Videos to watch.  Check these out for movement analysis and developing a progression and prescription for the modeled student.

Additional Skills Team Reference docs:
>>  Ski / Ride Advanced Training Progression Samples
>> Central Division Demonstration Videos

All patrollers that teach ski/riding need to be a part of the NSP-C SnowSports School.  This not only provides liability insurance for the benefit of the instructor and student but is an opportunity to become part of a community of instructors.  You need to sign up each year to stay enrolled.  Register Here!

Following are course documents for reference in the Central Division Fall Festival
>> Ski/Ride Training Sessions
> >Division Workshop Training Highlights
> >Region Recalibration Clinic Guidelines